Yesterday, I went exploring.
First, I brought my car to a body shop for an estimate (it was vandalized last week) On the way, I noticed some pretty intense icicles near an historic landmarker. I decided to stop by on my way back to take a closer look.
I should mention that these things are HUGE. Well over my head. Once I got out of the car, I noticed that the landmark was actually for a Spring. And the woods were pretty much alive with the sounds of running water with more icicles and awesomeness to explore. I don't know what it is about rocks and water that just demand attention...but I embrace their demands. While I played mountain goat, I saw some pretty awesome stuff....
Snowy moss and lichens |
A single snowflake caught on a strand of spider's web. I seriously need an actual camera instead of my phone . . . |
The view from the height of my exploration |
And my trail back down. |
I go back to work tomorrow...settling into a regular schedule from now until mid December - Wednesday through Saturday 10 hour shifts with Sunday through Tuesday off to recoup, explore and wrangle my critters. I actually left Rocky free to roam the apartment when I went to the landromat today. I came home to no disasters! Aside from a bath towel mysteriously on the kitchen floor, my dynamic duo seemed to stay out of trouble. Of course, now that George has figured out how to get onto the fridge, there's no telling what sorts of things will happen . . .:-P
Note the computer power cord running through the door handle. Yeah. Not only is cell signal limited in here, but there's a shortage on outlets. . . |