Sunday, April 28, 2013


I finished my contract in Montana, drove 16 hours straight to MN, met my boyfriend at the "historic" train depot in my hometown at nearly 2 in the morning, did the whole "meet the parents...and sisters...and brother...and sister-in-law and nephew" thing for the first time in my life (not nervewracking while sleep deprived, nooooo, not at all) moved all of my various life collectibles out of my townhouse, traipsed cross country to see one of my best friends EVER, booked it back to VA where my planned housing had fallen through, set up in an extended stay hotel and started a new job at an insanely busy hospital that blows away any place I've previously worked, let alone the remote place in which I just spent six months, and yesterday bid farewell to the man I've fallen in love with for six weeks while he goes off to learn more about blowing things up while avoiding getting blown up himself.

I also, apparently, did little to curb my tendency toward run-on sentences.

Lack of sleep is not good for my ability to process things. And I've had a lot to process.  The job is crazy. I'm not sure if this contracting thing is what I want to do or not, given the experiences I've had. But I'm more than willing to stick it out for the next 10 weeks - I think that's the best part of it. Thirteen weeks is actually a very short amount of time - especially when your shifts are busy. And the money is good. I dunno. We'll see. I need to make some financially solid decisions.

The whole relationship thing different from what I've ever anticipated. I've always thought that I wanted to be with a military guy because, hey, benefits without the hassle. Have the guy, don't have to put up with him being around all the time. Still free to do what I want, when I want.  Until I meet someone that I actually WANT to be around almost all the time. And of course, he has to leave when I'm all hormonal, so I'm a very uncharacteristic teary mess, which just frustrates me even more, increasing my teariness. Ugh.

Fortunately I have a cuddly dog, a crazy cat and really good friends in this area.

That last part could be another factor in my decision regarding career placement.

Have I ever told you that I think too much?

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