Friday, February 1, 2013

Because Prohibition Worked SO Well

There is a lot of chatter out there about the Second Amendment, Obama's executive orders, or purported orders, regarding firearms laws, restrictions and the like, psychiatry, national security, school security, and everything in between in recent days. Individual states are coming up with their own versions of increasingly restrictive firearms regulations and any outcry against that is dismissed as right wing extremism.

It shouldn't need to be said, but stating the obvious is something I'm good at, so: the events that took place in Connecticut last December are nothing short of horrendous.

And they have nothing to do with firearms law.

Guessing that second statement is going to lose me a few friends :-P

The reactionary statements demanding more gun control, fewer high capacity magazines, bans on certain types of firearms, better background checks are just that: reactionary. They have no teeth when it comes to actually preventing the acts of evil and demented people

Sorry, guys. The world's a screwed up, messy place. Bad stuff happens. Kids starve to death every day. Babies are abandoned to die because they're female. Children are sold into sexual slavery. A few words on some paper, signed by the all of the dignitaries in the world, are not going to fix that.
And new, stricter, gun control laws are not going to prevent someone from committing further tragedies in another elementary school, or a middle school, or a playground, or anywhere else where groups of tiny humans get together and think they're safe.

It's an old adage, but it's true: if you make guns illegal, then only criminals will have guns.  I don't know how to get this thought to actually engage in the minds of society at large, but the fact is that people who don't care about the legality of their actions are not going to suddenly change their minds when you pass a new law.  Seriously.  If you speed when the speed limit is 60, why would you suddenly decide to slow down when the sign changes to 55?

Laws do not inhibit the actions of people. People inhibit their actions.  We all have a choice to make every day.

This blog was actually mostly inspired by a "quote" from George Washington that I ran across earlier today - it wasn't an actual quote, but there is an actual quote from which it stems:
A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined; to which end a uniform and well digested plan is requisite: And their safety and interest require that they should promote such manufactories, as tend to render them independent on others, for essential, particularly for military supplies.

I expect that most people will simply dismiss that as antiquated and possibly even too complicated to understand, or at least no longer a necessary thought.

I'll simply state that America today is barely armed, regardless of what the left would have you believe. If it came down to it, an uprising could be quashed in less than 48 hours by military forces without much difficulty. Weapons technology is leaps and bounds above what even the most hardcore militia has access to (interesting, when you consider the purpose of the second amendment...)

Of greater concern, however, is the lack of discipline we have. We are well on our way to over half of our population being obese. I'm a member of that statistic. Not something I'm proud of, but true nonetheless at this point.

There are no fat revolutionaries, which brings me back to my Zombieland manifesto on life:

Rule #1: Cardio
Rule #2: Double tap